How to Choose a BUD consultant?

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The BUD Fund grants at most HK$ 4,000,000 to each eligible enterprise (shared by Mainland Programme and FTA Programme). The BUD project includes establishing a holistic business plan, known as BUD Type (i), and the implementation, known as BUD Type (ii). Though a firm can apply for 40 times at maximum, in general, 1 to … Read more

Possible to get more fund with multiple companies?

BizMagnet – Airport Banner

*This article was written in May 2020. However, the ITC Technology Voucher Programme relaxed the restriction on 14th Aug 2020, please refer to: TVP “related entities” restriction relaxed. Only for TVP. For all government business subsidies, the applicant should be a company. Some asked BizMagnet before this question: If I set up 10 companies, can … Read more

Why do you need a BUD Consultant?

BizMagnet – Discussion Banner

BUD Fund is a multi-domain grant BUD Fund provides at most HKD 4 million to an eligible Hong Kong company to enter and expand in Mainland China and Free Trade Agreement (FTA) regions. It is a good cash-flow supply to those companies planning to brand, upgrade and market. However, many companies and business consultants get … Read more

BUD Fund Type (i), why does it matter?

BizMagnet – Presentation Banner

2 Types of BUD Projects When we talk about BUD Fund, most people regard it as a project execution grant, i.e. You have something to do and the HK Government grants you some money to do it. Nevertheless, there are actually TWO types of BUD projects, named “Type (i)” and “Type (ii)” respectively. Well, the … Read more