CCB arrested 35 for TVP frauds

It was reported that the Commercial Crime Bureau (CCB) of the Hong Kong Police Force arrested 35 people on 10th Jan 2024 for Technology Voucher Programme (TVP) fraud cases, referred from HKPC, the TVP secretariat. The involved amount was more than HKD 10 million and one of the arrestee was an ex-district councilor Lam Chun. … Read more

Government Funding 2024

BizMagnet 2024

BizMagnet wish you a happy new year! In the previous year, we had many many businesses and wrote less articles for our readers. We promise to write more in the coming time. A lot of people expected more opportunities in 2023 after the pandemic recovery, and they were disappointed. Economic downturn took places in almost … Read more

TVP Application flow 2023

科技券申請流程 TVP Application flow

The Technology Voucher Programme (TVP) was founded in 2016 to support local businesses, NGOs and charities to improve efficiency and competitiveness with the use of technology. Every eligible company or organization can claim 75% of the IT project cost and it can be granted for 6 times. The total subsidy is HK$ 600,000. How to … Read more

What is a Cover Bid?

Cover Bid

The Competition Commission lodged a case on 22nd March 2023 in the Competition Tribunal against 4 IT companies. The case told that these companies unfairly obtained 189 projects in “D-biz” with cover bids and the corresponding amount is about 13 million dollars. This is the very first case, and what is cover bidding? Cover bidding … Read more

Govt Funding 2023

BizMagnet wish you a Happy New Year

BizMagnet wish you a Happy New Year and good health. In the new year time, our consultant would like to share viewpoints about current situation, and the consequence to government funding. The Chinese Government’s termination of the “zero COVID policy” is the very first black swan of 2023. Almost nobody anticipated the sudden change before … Read more

Review: Gov Fund seminar

Previously BizMagnet government funding consultant and HSBC Business Go co-organized the seminar “Latest government funding and bank loan strategy”. In the event, we share the latest situation of BUD Fund and TVP with the audiences. HSBC Business Go is a B2B artificial intelligent digital sharing platform under HSBC Group. BizMagnet is also a business member … Read more

Gov Funding with HSBC

(The event is done. Please view the review here.) BizMagnet co-organizes with HSBC Business Go (formerly known as “HSBC VisionGo”) the “Latest government funding and loan application” seminar. In the event, our consultants and HSBC representatives will share the capital issues of SMEs and corresponding solutions. These include the BUD Fund, the TVP and commercial … Read more

TVP ePROQ launch

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The HKPC announced at the TVP official website that the TVP procurement platform “ePROQ” will launch on 12th October. The authority arranges the Tactic Day as the launching ceremony. From time being, procurement is a major concern for most TVP applicants. The success of TVP application relies on a proper procurement procedure. A lot of … Read more

Anti Money laundering tech

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In recent years, the compliance requirement in financial industry gets stricter and stricter. Here are the reasons: 1. technology allows easier international laundering, 2. political figures sanction due to geopolitical issues, 3. terrorism. Financial institutions such as banks, exchange shops, insurance companies etc pay extra attention to ensure compliance fulfillment. Offences can result penalty or … Read more