TVP common questions 2023

Based on the query big data, BizMagnet TVP consultant lists out some common TVP questions. You may also know more about the Technology Voucher Programme.or our TVP application guideline.

What is the successful rate of TVP application?

In a reply from the Commissioner of Innovation and Technology to the Legco Public Accounts Committee on 4th Jan 2023, it was written that the HKPC had vetted 12,136 TVP applications (included withdrawn or ineligible cases) and 10,680 approved. Therefore the successful rate is about 88%.

Who is eligible for the TVP?

Companies with substantive business (Individual, partnership or limited company), NGOs, charities and statutory bodies. (Except listed companies)

What is the vetting principle of the TVP?

Simply say, the eligibility of the applicant, qualified relevant IT projects, and the projects are corresponding to the applicants. (Notice that the TVP supplier should have no bad record)

When is the deadline of the TVP?

The Financial Secretary announced in Budget 2019 that the TVP became a regular programme. Therefore, there is NO deadline for the TVP.

What is the time for TVP application?

The Authority accepts application throughout the year. Please visit:
In general, it takes around 4-6 months for vetting if the application is well-prepared. (Mar 2023)

How to apply for the TVP?

Applicant should procure the IT system under the standard procurement process and submit the application online. The HKPC staff will require further elaboration if necessary. Once approved, you may sign the agreement at the HKPC.

What is common TVP setup?

There are many. For instance, TVP money scam, illegal government funding fraud or anti-competitive bid rigging. BizMagnet wrote a set of TVP fraud examples.