Sign the TVP agreement

Congratulations to your successful TVP application. You should then go to HKPC to sign the TVP agreement.

  1. Appointment
  2. Arrive and watch the video
  3. Sign the Agreement

(The description in this article is still valid on the writing date. However, BizMagnet can’t guarantee it remains unchanged all the time)

Appointment to sign

Once receiving the TVP application approval, the applicant should log into the TVP platform to make an appointment to sign the agreement. Please prepare the following before login.

  • Copy of the Business Registration of the applicant company
  • Copy of the Identity Document of the authorized representative natural person. (The representative should be the proprietor, partner, director, shareholder or employee)
  • Copy of the Identity Document of a witness

The authorized representative and the witness above are not limited to Hong Kong residents. They can present their passports if necessary. These two persons have to attend the appointment by person. And the appointment can be changed twice only.

Generally speaking, the sign of the agreement takes about 30 minutes.

Arrive and watch the video

Remember to bring the following to the appointment:

  • Identity document of the authorized representative and the witness
  • Company chop
  • Copy of the business registration
  • Smartphone installed with “Leave Home Safe”

*Due to the anti-epidemic measures, persons enter any government building have to fulfil the “Vaccine Pass” and use “Leave Home Safe” (Except for exempted persons). Make sure the two persons have the Vaccine Pass and smartphones installed with “Leave Home Safe”

Upon arrival, and after registration, you will watch a short video. The video reminds you to double check the field and bind with the law (such as the National Security Law)

Sign the agreement

You should sign 3 documents:

  • TVP application form (2 copies, signed by the representative)
  • TVP agreement (2 copies, signed by both the representative and the witness)
  • The authorization to publish the project information (signed by the representative)

Though it is simple to sign, we should make sure the information correct. We shall leave with the documents upon completion.

Read more: TVP successful cases