Talent-Wise Employment Charter and Inclusive Organisations Recognition

In order to promote the employment of persons with disabilities and establish inclusive working environment, the Labour and Welfare Bureau (LWB) of the HKSAR Government, in collaboration with the Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, the Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities and the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, launched the Talent-Wise Employment Charter and … Read more

DTSPP now accepts vendor application

In order to assist SMEs in the retail and catering industry, the HKSAR government has prepared $500 million for the Digital Transformation Support Pilot Programme (DTSPP). This is a one-to-one matching fund with maximum of $50,000 to help eligible companies to procure, rent or subscribe electronic payment system, POS, digital marketing and CRMs etc. Vendor … Read more

CCB arrested 35 for TVP frauds

It was reported that the Commercial Crime Bureau (CCB) of the Hong Kong Police Force arrested 35 people on 10th Jan 2024 for Technology Voucher Programme (TVP) fraud cases, referred from HKPC, the TVP secretariat. The involved amount was more than HKD 10 million and one of the arrestee was an ex-district councilor Lam Chun. … Read more

Government Funding 2024

BizMagnet 2024

BizMagnet wish you a happy new year! In the previous year, we had many many businesses and wrote less articles for our readers. We promise to write more in the coming time. A lot of people expected more opportunities in 2023 after the pandemic recovery, and they were disappointed. Economic downturn took places in almost … Read more

BUD Fund extends to Türkiye

2023 BUD Fund

From 31st Oct 2023, the BUD Fund extends to Türkiye. Republic of Türkiye locates at Asia-Europe junction and the country is a member of the G20 Group. The economies under discussion with Hong Kong include Bangladesh, Russia and Saudi Arabia. Up to Oct 2023, the BUD Fund supports Mainland China and other 37 economies.

BizMagnet awarded as Caring Company

Caring Company 商界展關懷

BizMagnet Limited is happy to tell that we are awarded the “Caring Company” logo by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service. The Award encourages our effort on social responsibility for all time being. Caring the community, staff and the environment are universal. They are also our main concerns. The Caring Company Scheme was founded … Read more

Budget 2023: Corporate

2023 Financial budget

Financial secretary Paul Chan announced the first financial budget after normalcy. As the deficit is serious, many measures have been cut or cancelled. We have the summary here: BizMagnet government fund consultant helps Hong Kong companies to apply for TVP, BUD Fund and EMF etc. We also recommend quality suppliers to help you to brand, upgrade and sell.