
Successful BUD cases in 2022

The Dedicated Fund for Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales (BUD Fund) was launched in 2012…

TVP system 2-factor authentication

TVP website notice: The TVP user portal system will be suspended during 6:30pm – 7:30pm,…

TVP enhances productivity with CRM

It is so competitive nowadays, and firms put a lot of effort to maintain good…

Sign the TVP agreement

Congratulations to your successful TVP application. You should then go to HKPC to sign the…

Don’t wait for clearance. BUD Fund for e-Commerce.

The Chief Execute-elect John Lee said, the re-opening of mainland border is the first priority…

TVP system suspension

TVP portal notice: The TVP system will be suspended between 7:30pm to 9pm on 12th…