Webinar: Vietnam retail ecosystem

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Vietnam is one of the few Southeast Asian countries that can control COVID-19 epidemic well. In addition, the e-Commerce market keeps boosting in Vietnam and we expect that its scale will be about USD $52 billion in 2025. Many Hong Kong businesses are looking forward to enter Vietnam for more opportunities. The Hong Kong Trade … Read more

Online workshop: Vietnam search market


Vietnam is one of the fastest growing economy in the Southeast Asia. Google search in Vietnam grows rapidly and it is estimated that the e-Commerce market will have the size of 52 billion US dollar in 2025. In order to help local businesses to better understand Vietnam search market, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council … Read more

BUD Fund ASEAN countries at a glance

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BUD Fund (Dedicated Fund for Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales) was launched in 2012. It is a fund to assist Hong Kong firms to expand in mainland China and boost their competitiveness. Hong Kong and ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Natiosn) signed the “Free Trade Agreement” and “Investment Agreement” on 12th Nov 2017. Therefore the … Read more

WhatsApp Pay launched

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After more than 2 years testing in India, WhatsApp launched the digital payment service in Brazil. (India and Brazil have the first and second most WhatsApp users). Facebook (the parent company of WhatsApp) is pushing more e-Commerce to its platform. Users can send money free while businesses are charged around 4% to receive the money. … Read more

Webinar: Made in Vietnam & Market Opportunity

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Substantial manufacturers in China is moving away due to the global conflict, and Vietnam is one of the popular choices. The HKTDC and the SUCCESS co-organize a webinar to discuss the latest situation in North Vietnam, including its advantages in manufacturing and market opportunity. There will also be an introduction to the BUD Fund. (Vietnam … Read more