Webinar: E-Commerce in Indonesia

E-Commerce evolves rapidly in recent years, and global online commerce demand increases immensely due to COVID-19 pandemic. Indonesia is one of the fastest growing online economy. The country is abundant of natural resource, labour export for years. As well as good policy and information technology advancement, the new economy moves fast. The SUCCESS of the Trade Industry Department organizes “Exploring E-Commerce Opportunity in Indonesia” online seminar to discuss the latest situation of Indonesian e-commerce and invites HKPC representative to share information about the Dedicated Fund for Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales (“the BUD Fund“).

The FTA Programme (a.k.a “ASEAN Programme”) supports Hong Kong companies to explore in the Free Trade Agreement regions including the ASEAN. (Indonesia is the largest economy in Southeast Asia) If you like to know more about BUD consultation, please contact BizMagnet.

Know more: Potential Indonesia in ASEAN

Related information: SUCCESS Activity