TVP Application flow 2023

科技券申請流程 TVP Application flow

The Technology Voucher Programme (TVP) was founded in 2016 to support local businesses, NGOs and charities to improve efficiency and competitiveness with the use of technology. Every eligible company or organization can claim 75% of the IT project cost and it can be granted for 6 times. The total subsidy is HK$ 600,000. How to … Read more

TVP ePROQ launch

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The HKPC announced at the TVP official website that the TVP procurement platform “ePROQ” will launch on 12th October. The authority arranges the Tactic Day as the launching ceremony. From time being, procurement is a major concern for most TVP applicants. The success of TVP application relies on a proper procurement procedure. A lot of … Read more

TVP Scam (Over the phone)

TVP trap

Hello everybody. You may read BizMagnet article “Common TVP fraud” and know some common tricks the fraudsters do. Recently there are more new tricks over the phone, one you are framed you may lose hundred of thousand HK dollars. Basic: Technology Voucher Programme TVP “Hi, let us get TVP money together!” First, the scammer will … Read more

Sign the TVP agreement

TVP done

Congratulations to your successful TVP application. You should then go to HKPC to sign the TVP agreement. Appointment Arrive and watch the video Sign the Agreement (The description in this article is still valid on the writing date. However, BizMagnet can’t guarantee it remains unchanged all the time) Appointment to sign Once receiving the TVP … Read more

TVP Funding for dummies 2022

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The Technology Voucher Programme (TVP) of the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) launched as a pivot programme in 2016, and became a regular programme in 2019. All eligible companies registered in Hong Kong (including individual, partnership, limited company and organization) can obtain a matching TVP fund on a 3:1 ratio (i.e. 75% of the cost) … Read more

TVP Quotation

Technology Voucher Programme TVP - BizMagnet Limited

Quotation is a fundamental business behavior and it appears always during procurement. However, there is some difference between private sector and the government in procurement. This makes quotation for the TVP a headache sometimes. In this article, BizMagnet TVP consultant shall glance the government procurement, explain the difference and consequential problem. We will attempt a … Read more

TVP FAQ 2022

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Technology Voucher Programme launched as a pivot programme in 2016. It became regular in Feb 2019. Local businesses which fulfill the basic requirement (e.g. substantive operation, non-listed etc) can submit TVP application to the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC). Successful applicants can enjoy the matching fund for 75% of their IT project cost, with a … Read more