Webinar: ReTAAS intro


The Retail Technology Adoption Assistance Scheme for Manpower Demand Management (ReTAAS) is a government fund that helps retailers to use manpower management technology and enhance productivity. All non-listed retailers are eligible to apply for the ReTAAS. ReTAAS sponsors 50% of the project cost with cumulative maximum $50,000. (Maximum number of application is two) The followings … Read more

Webinar: Competition Ordinance

Information technology industry is full of competition, for example, compete for Technology Voucher Programme project. Therefore the Competition Commission organizes a webinar about the Competition Ordinance for the IT sector. It will introduce the content of the Ordinance, Do’s and Don’ts under the Ordinance and some competition cases etc. IT suppliers should understand the Ordinance … Read more

TVP consultant: think carefully for application

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Recently BizMagnet TVP consultant received a case that a SME incited by a TVP supplier to use the TVP agent service. It was again a conspiracy of bid rigging. As the deal is under the table, the SME now has a tiger by the tail. The TVP IT supplier demands additional charge, while the SME … Read more

TVP POS retail system

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Today(12/9) is the first weekend after social gathering ban relaxed (4 people for a table). Obviously there are more people in the streets and malls, especially restaurants and retail store in shopping malls. BizMagnet hopes Hong Kong people keep the social distance to protect ourselves and recover the economy soon. I went out to observe … Read more

Webinar: eCommerce potential & eShop tips

Since the third wave of COVID19 (formerly known as “Wuhan pneumonia”) in Hong Kong, many businesses have started their e-Commerce, such as online shop and online platform. The Technology Voucher Programme (TVP), BUD Fund and a regular government funding, and D-biz are very popular that support online shops and digital marketing etc. Government fund sponsors … Read more

Know more: TVP consultant fee

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As of BizMagnet TVP consultant experience in the industry, the very question of a client is not “am I qualified to apply for the TVP?” but “how do you charge?”. It is reasonable to see if it is cost effective. In general, there are TWO charging methods for TVP consultation services: proportional and fixed fee. … Read more

Webinar: Technology Voucher Programme TVP


Technology Voucher Programme (TVP) provides eligible Hong Kong companies 75% subsidy (cumulative maximum: HK$600,000) to use technology solution and services. The technology should enhance the total competitiveness, upgrade or transform the business. In the pandemic period, distance working with website and cloud system is essential for business operation. Recently, the TVP relaxed the restriction to … Read more

TVP consultant trend prediction 2021


Very soon it is Q4 of 2020, and both 2019 and 2020 are unusual years. BizMagnet TVP consultant consolidates information and attempts to predict the trend of TVP (Technology Voucher Programme) in 2021. No matter you applied for government fund such as TVP and BUD Fund before, it is time for you to prepare next … Read more

TVP suppliers shouldn’t be a TVP consultant at the same time

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BizMagnet TVP consultant received inquiries recently if we can provide TVP quotation. The answer is NO, because BizMagnet is not an IT system supplier. BizMagnet is a government funding consultancy to offer TVP consultation. We are clear about our role to clients. However, some participants in the industry, no matter IT solution provider or TVP … Read more

Webinar: How Kubernetes (K8s) container technology boosts WordPress to handle 10k hits/sec

Kubernetes(K8s) is an open-source container system. A container in computing is conceptually similar to a virtual machine (VM), but it can share operation system resource. Therefore a container system can dramatically reduce resource use from the VM architecture. It is also very elastic to handle multiple times of requests in seconds. The HKPC Academy arranges … Read more