BUD Fund geographical limitation

2023 BUD Fund

The Budget will be released next month, and the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association (CMA) gave a number of suggestions. One proposed item is to release, as the EMF, the geographical limitation of the BUD Fund. The Fund should support all markets outside Hong Kong (no more Mainland Programme and FTA and IPPA Programme), the CMA suggested. … Read more

Govt Funding 2023

BizMagnet wish you a Happy New Year

BizMagnet wish you a Happy New Year and good health. In the new year time, our consultant would like to share viewpoints about current situation, and the consequence to government funding. The Chinese Government’s termination of the “zero COVID policy” is the very first black swan of 2023. Almost nobody anticipated the sudden change before … Read more

Know more about Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property

Whenever our consultants mention the importance of intellectual property (IP), most clients response: it is only for big corporation. Indeed we have a lot of tool in commerce to avoid potential risk, such as commercial insurance and intellectual property etc. Think about it, an employee demands million dollars as compensation to industrial accident and you … Read more

Review: Gov Fund seminar

Previously BizMagnet government funding consultant and HSBC Business Go co-organized the seminar “Latest government funding and bank loan strategy”. In the event, we share the latest situation of BUD Fund and TVP with the audiences. HSBC Business Go is a B2B artificial intelligent digital sharing platform under HSBC Group. BizMagnet is also a business member … Read more

BUD Fund increases to HK$7m

According to the BUD Fund official website, effective from 7th Nov 2022, the cumulative ceiling for every eligible enterprise increases from HK$ 6,000,000 to HK$ 7,000,000; while the maximum number of approval increases from 60 to 70. At the same time, the EMF also increases to HK$ 1,000,000. The Chief Executive gave his first policy … Read more

Policy Address: BUD EMF upgrade


Today (19/10/2022), the Chief Executive gave his first policy address and announced the upgrade of the BUD Fund and the EMF for SMEs: The limit of the BUD Fund increases from HK$ 6 million to HK$ 7 million. The limit of the EMF increases from HK$ 800,000 to HK$ 1 million. The special facility extends … Read more

Gov Funding with HSBC

(The event is done. Please view the review here.) BizMagnet co-organizes with HSBC Business Go (formerly known as “HSBC VisionGo”) the “Latest government funding and loan application” seminar. In the event, our consultants and HSBC representatives will share the capital issues of SMEs and corresponding solutions. These include the BUD Fund, the TVP and commercial … Read more

TVP ePROQ launch

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The HKPC announced at the TVP official website that the TVP procurement platform “ePROQ” will launch on 12th October. The authority arranges the Tactic Day as the launching ceremony. From time being, procurement is a major concern for most TVP applicants. The success of TVP application relies on a proper procurement procedure. A lot of … Read more

BUD Fund 10th anniversary

BUD Fund 10 year

One decade has passed since the launch of the BUD Fund in June 2012. The matching fund, initially, encouraged Hong Kong businesses to explore the mainland market. After series of enhancement, the BUD Fund now supports 37 economies and each eligible enterprises can get HK$ 6,000,000 at most. In order to help you to know … Read more

BUD Fund 3rd phase extension 2022

International Trade

From 27th Jun 2022, the 3rd phase extension of the BUD Fund will be in effect as below: The FTA & IPPA Programme will extend to Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates. The total subsidy remains unchanged as HKD 6,000,000 on one-to-one basis. BizMagnet government fund consultant helps Hong Kong companies to apply for TVP, … Read more